Matthew Dorrance Our Local Voice | Ein Llais Lleol
Cllr Matthew Dorrance has written to the Leader of Powys County Council and called on her to reopen Brecon Youth Centre. You can read Matthew’s letter here…
Cllr Rosemarie Harris
Leader of the Council
Powys County Council
County Hall
Llandrindod Wells
Dear Cllr Harris,
Re: Brecon Youth Centre, Cradoc Road, Brecon, LD3 9LG
Earlier this year, your administration closed Brecon Youth Centre. At the time, it was said that this was necessary to deliver ‘savings’.
The services that were directly delivered at Brecon Youth Centre included the Youth Club and the Pupil Referral Unit. In addition to this, a number of third sector and community organisations all hired the Youth Centre.
Official Powys County Council figures show that the 2017/18 cost of running Brecon Youth Centre was £13,720.00.
The Council is now renting the former St Joseph’s Roman Catholic Primary School where it delivers the Youth Club and the Pupil Referral Unit. Official figures from Powys County Council for the 2017/18 financial year show the cost of this as £39,385.24.
It is clear that the cost of renting the old St Joseph’s School as the site to deliver these services is costing the Council more. It does not represent good value for money and it has harmed the community I represent.
I urge you to urgently review this decision, admit your administration made a mistake and bring the Council owned Brecon Youth Centre back into use.
I look forward to receiving a timely response.
Yours sincerely
Cllr Matthew Dorrance
Brecon, St John Ward