Matthew Dorrance Our Local Voice | Ein Llais Lleol
Welsh Labour members of Powys Council have outlined a series of tests they will use to judge the Conservative and Independent-run County Council’s budget for the 2019/20 financial year.
Welsh Labour Councillors say the Council’s ruling coalition must deliver on the priorities of their budget tests if they are to win Labour’s support.
Welsh Labour’s budget tests are:
1. Reform public services to meet the challenges of the future whilst repairing the Council’s reputation and maximising the disposal of capital assets to drive transformational change;
2. Reversing cuts to frontline education spending in our local schools – giving our children the best start in life;
3. Promoting regeneration, jobs and training to help tackle poverty and create community wealth;
4. Deliver quality services for our vulnerable citizens that keep children safe and provide dignity and security for older residents and people with disabilities;
5. Work with partners to develop new local housing opportunities and improve community safety;
6. Support active citizens in greener, more prosperous and better connected communities.
Labour Leader, Cllr Matthew Dorrance says:
“Our budget tests are a carefully thought out set of priorities that we believe the Council must meet before we support any proposals they bring forward.
“For too long the Council has failed to plan and residents are paying the price of that failure. Our tests clearly set out an opportunity for the Council to make full use of its assets while building in protection for essential front line services.
“Our tests reflect our values and our principles and we will be discussing them with Councillors from all sides in the weeks ahead.”